Short Term Rental Marketing vs Self Listing

When you hear about short term rental marketing, you may assume that it is just another phrase for listing your property. In reality however, there is a lot more to marketing than simply creating a listing on a booking site. One of the many challenges to trying to do everything yourself comes down to where you list, how you create your listings, and, most importantly of all, what you do to promote your property after you have created your listings.

In this mini guide, we take a closer look at short term rental marketing to see how it differs from holiday listings. From here, you should be able to make a more informed decision on whether it is worth trying to do your own marketing or invest in professional help.

How Does Short Term Rental Marketing Differ from Listings?

What is the biggest difference between short term rental marketing and listings? Let's take a look…

Listings are a way to outline your property. On your listings, you will include any and all information that helps guests get a better idea of what to expect. This could include indoor features, number of bedrooms, equipment, entertainment systems, outdoor features, nearby activities and restaurants and images of your property. You can create listings on as many booking platforms as you choose. Some are free; others are not. Essentially, you could think of listings as a snap shot of your property.

Rental marketing promotes your business on a deeper level. This could include your listings, but it also includes active promotion across multiple channels. Rather than simply listing your property, marketing gets it out to a wider audience, through brochures, paid ads, sponsored posts, social media posts and other platforms. Unless you are an expert in marketing of holiday rentals, you will have the best results if you outsource this to someone who specialises in short term property marketing.

The best approach combines listings and active promotion. That way, you have the best of both worlds… amazing, professionally written listings, professional photographs that showcase your property in its best light, and active marketing that gets the word out to your ideal audience. When you take this approach, you can enjoy peace of mind in knowing that your property has the best chance at being seen. If you focus your efforts on marketing, without ensuring that your listings are high quality, potential guests may end up going somewhere else when they are put off by poor quality photographs or poorly written listings. On the other hand, if you focus all your efforts on listings without marketing your property, you may find that you do not get enough people actually seeing your listings in the first place.


Totalstay offers a comprehensive solution that does not only include active marketing, but also day to day management, bookings management and guest concierge. This is easily the most efficient way to get your rental the exposure it deserves. To learn more about our unique approach to short term rental marketing, simply contact us today.

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